Homeschooling and Lockdown Education

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Homeschooling and Lockdown Education

Coping with Home-schooling and lockdown education.

Now it’s approximately been over 3 months where almost all teachers have gone through the pain of conducting ‘Zoom Classroom studies’ just because COVID-19 pandemic has hit us like a rock bottom. Our daily lifestyle has completely been disturbed and hence we have to cope up with the lifestyle that is brought to us by COVID. The entire world has brought to a resounding halt where our bedrooms have been transformed into our workplaces and our actual workspaces have been transformed into deserted islands. Classrooms of school buildings bear the same fate. To ask what is the best path forward it is essential to look back on how schooling was done at home before the period of outbreak even began. So, if you are thinking about tuitions then we would like to tell you that we aren’t talking about home-school tuitions.

When the atmosphere encourages learning, learning is inevitable.

So now let’s look back and see how everyone used to practice home-schooling even before the pandemic in fact much earlier than the pandemic started.

Four major Eras of evolvement of education

  1. The History of Home-schooling.
  2. The early Euro-Asian Education.
  3. Home-schooling in 20th century.
  4. Home-schooling in Lockdown.

Let’s see what these four Eras actually are and why they are considered as Eras evolving education.

1. The History of Home-schooling

When we go back in time, we know that schooling was not the exclusive responsibility of the schools and universities not just in India but worldwide, it has been a standard norm for a long period of time. The ancient image of “Gurukul” where the guru sits under the tree and educates the young psychological minds is what Indian norms are based on yet we follow the western layout of schools and classrooms. While the world got used to the new model of western layout of classrooms, here enters Coronavirus.

2. The early Euro-Asian Education

Education has been the exclusive possession of the wealthy class for generations. Children from a classified background were the only ones to afford the luxurious education, this form is also known as the elite education. The impact that Industrial Revolution bought was remarkable, because of it the whole scenario of work and education evolved. Before the revolution took place, children were seen in mines, fields and factories, and right after revolution happened children were spending their time in schools and community colleges. There were huge changes to be seen in society as a whole. Home-schooling was practiced at that time too, wealthy families often practiced home-schooling. Education revolution had just begun at the Era of early Euro-Asian Education.

3. Home-schooling in 20th century

By the end of Second World War, Formal Education gain a lot of importance as it played a very crucial role for society to progress and find its true roots. The next education revolution found its footing when people saw the need of skilled labours for factories and industries. Home-schooling in 20th century was crafted post war although it did not emphasize on individual attention but yet it was found extremely useful because children learned concepts thoroughly and most importantly brainstorming of ideas took place. With pros it had cons as well, with the loss of individuality children started doubting themselves and started considering themselves inferior to others, but all that has a chance to change today.

4. Home-schooling in lockdown

Because of this lockdown almost all education agencies have come up with their own online lectures, not to forget even schools and colleges have started to offer online education with no experience on how to do it. But everyone is still adapting this way of lifestyle because it is brought to us and studying online is probably the only solution to it. If we have a look at it, we are going back to our Indian roots where guru used to sit under a tree and educate handful number of pupils the only difference is it is online now. This online education has brought back the sense of individualism amongst all. Individualised attention helps a child to grow and learn at a faster pace. Core skill is being developed, it actually helps one to understand one concept completely and then moving to the next.

This lockdown has definitely nurtured a child in many ways, it has helped child to become a faster learner and it has also helped a child to adapt a new form of education. If we see there are chances that after this lockdown children will come out smarter and receptive than usual. If this truly happens it will be considered as a birth of an entire new era of the next educational revolution.

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