A wholesome learning and development initiative!

A wholesome learning and development initiative!

Tenets we live by!

Our philosophy, vision and mission form the changeless core of our DNA in a world where change is the only constant.



Learning is defined as the transformative process of gaining knowledge and expertise through experience, as a result changing what we know and build on what we want to do.



Learning is a right, not a privilege for the elite few. Our vision is to break the shackles and democratize wholesome learning and capability development globally, to unlock one's true potential and become the best version of one's own self.



Every epic journey begins with just one step. We are committed to the mission of accelerating the growth and fulfillment of human potential. We aspire to wholesomely transform the lives of over 10 million children by 2025.

Our Focus Areas

AyeLabz was created with the aim to have children learn in vibrant multidisciplinary environments creating well rounded, wholesome and innovative individuals capable of transforming the world into a better place

Create Awareness

The first step in our million mile journey is propagating the right message and creating awareness.

Promote Exploration

Exploration is the product of curiosity. We ignite curiosity and zeal in young minds.

Solve Questions

We not only empower kids to ask questions but also equip them with tools to solve them.

Simplify Knowledge

Intelligence is not about complexities. It lies in simplifying the solution to complex problems.

Multiple Intelligence

The gist of all learning lies in the holistic way in which one develops one's faculties to reach maximum potential.

Individual Capabilities

We develop individual skills of children so that they are ready to meet the future challenges head on.

Value Affordability

Our products are affordable, accessible, all inclusive and are built to reach the masses.

Enable Everyone

Our mission is to ensure that our programs ignite young minds and enable them into a bright future.

Fulfill Human Potential

We strive to fulfill mankind's true potential and turn India's population explosion into demographic dividend.

Redefining Teaching and Learning

Indian education system's obsession with rote learning has made us a predominantly left-brain educated region. At 75% literacy, we are yet 105th globally in terms of human capital development. Also, the ASER 2018 reports less than 50% of Grade 8 students cannot read Grade 2 English and solve Grade 2 Math. Indian education tools have evolved from texts to videos and perhaps animation-led content - yet, these formats remain tutor-led. Education is not a factory assembly line that can be standardized; it needs customization to suit the needs of individuals. It is time we address the individual learning paths of over 450 million children who have mixed abilities. We welcome the new and reformed NATIONAL EDUCATION POLICY (NEP 2020) built on ground pillars including holistic, wholesome and multidisciplinary education. This confirms that we are headed in the right direction!

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The Why?

Our current education pattern focuses on rote learning and theoretical knowledge rather than skill, application and conceptual clarity. Children are taught what to think instead of how to think. We need to shift focus towards new-age skills, promote exploratory learning paths and encourage wholesome learning.

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When did it begin?

The millennial parents have begun questioning the efficacy of the current education system. It all began when we realized the need for a comprehensive program focused on developing IQ, EQ, SQ and overall wellness. This insight led to the creation of AyeLabz

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The What

We strive to create multi-modal content, deploy multi-sensorial learning tools, chalk multi-path learning, encourage experiential learning, promote higher order thinking techniques and foster creativity and innovation.

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How does it work?

Our Wholesome Framework of learning and facilitation employs a healthy blend of Left-Right brain learning traits. These capacity building programs develop competencies of a child from age 2 till 12 which is pivotal in their founding and formative years of development. We use multi-benefit products which are designed in areas of Neuro-Cognition, Academic Power Learning, Sensory Acuity, Emotional Wellness and Physiological Wellness. Our tool kit is bi-beneficial: facilitates Child + Tutor in the learning path.

What's Unique?

What differentiates us from everyone else is our focus on wholesome learning. Our approach is based on Dr. Howard Gardener's scientifically tested Multiple Intelligence theory. We endeavor to nurture holistic development of children and empower them to embrace the future!

  • Scientific approach
  • Left + Right Brain Learning
  • Experiential Learning
  • Use of Data Analytics & AI
  • Personalized plan
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What's Unique?

Meet the AyeLabz Crew